Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Whose Life Is It Anyway

The once taboo word is becoming a household word now. Where is this heading? As a society are we handling the issue in the right way? As a nation are we taking responsibility? Whom to blame and where to blame? Is this what we are looking at so that we can wash our hands by pointing our fingers at others and leave it.

When the whole nation is screaming 'hang the rapist.' Aren't we overlooking the root cause?

Juvenile or adult - a person who commits crime has to be punished. The judicial system will take care of it. The law makers have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. 

We the citizens have a much higher responsibility on our shoulders. We have to understand the cause behind these heinous acts. We have go to the grass root level and understand the issue. We all have played indirect part in it. We have encouraged the media for blowing all this out of proportion. We have encouraged the cine stars to bask in glory while resorting to 'exhibitionism,' thus propagating an image or a trend that younger generation would like to follow. We have consumed every thing put in front of us without protest. We have created a situation where a sick mind delves and lashes out on innocence. We have encouraged all those television serials nodding our head for the scenes which portray all type of crimes. We have encouraged all illegal websites to mushroom.

Now when the devil is dancing on us we are screaming. Mothers have forgotten to teach their offspring the morals. Fathers have forgotten that they are the role model for their children. Teachers who are supposed to mould the students are dormant. As long as we shy away from taking responsibility for our actions these crimes will continue. We can shout slogans and do protests but for how long? Are we satisfied that we have participated in a protest rally and our responsibility is over? All mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters have to remember their responsibilities.

We together form this society and have to repair this now or else it will be too late. The innocence of the children and the safety of women will vanish forever. The society will collapse on its face. We have to remember that we are humans first and we have to respect one another. We have to create a society which nurtures responsible citizens.


  1. i hear you on going to the root...we turned away from our moral fibre long ago...probably in response to the previous generation drilling it into us...and not wanting to be like our parents...kids have so much freedom now...more to information online...and in being left to do what they will...while the parents distract themselves...oy

    1. yes Brian and i cant stop from asking now what? we have to work backwards and hope that things will get better...thanks for stopping by..

  2. Really a good thought presented such a nice manner.

    1. Thank you...It's my humble hope that we all work together to form a better society :)

  3. every problem, including inefficient, degenerate and corrupt law enforcement starts with and has to end with us.

  4. With great power comes great responsibility...sadly a handful of people realise this. Very revolutionary thought.

    1. also we can break bigger things into small pieces and work towards achieving the goal..thank you for stopping by i really appreciate it :)

  5. A thought provoking post well written.

  6. women, the poor, the discarded have value or not. The society decides and acts accordingly. Maybe poets are the conscience of nations.
