Saturday, 12 July 2014

An Impossible Place

image; google

An impossible place?
I wonder what to write

If there is a place for all
Is it in mind or in heart no one knows
Harder the search,  elusive it becomes
Nameless, timeless, concept less place

An impossible place?
I wonder what to write


  1. Very elusive indeed. Not always easy.

  2. is there a place for all?
    it would be nice...but we seem farther from it
    every day.

  3. a place for All is never to be found in this discriminating world except in the poet's heart may be :)...

  4. I second Sumana. Such a place would exist in our hearts or dreams, which does not mean we should not strive for it though.

  5. peace seams an impossible place today

  6. I loved the quote you selected - and your poem pins against it beautifully. I enjoyed this post!

  7. Ah yes a place for all. I also like the quote you selected. Thanks for posting this response to the prompt!!

  8. A place for all? I wonder what it would be!

  9. Short but clear enough and thought-provoking. A place for all? Unfortunately, that doesn't exist... The world would be a much better place if it existed. Thanks for this little piece of heaven! Lovely, Arathi!
