Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Image: Google

Que sera sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera sera
What will be, will be

I don’t know the original lyrics and whether it’s Spanish, French or Italian. I used to sing this song when I was seven years old...One of my cousins taught this to me. Though I was not able to understand this song I loved it. Today when I am here in Present and look back to see the Past (grandparents/parents) and look forward to see the Future (children/grandchildren) comprehension invaded me to say this;

Ancestors: Yours, Mine, His, Hers

All pulled the wagon of Life

Leaving behind a Unique Legacy

Good, Bad or Ugly: Acceptance is our only choice

Like fingers in the same hand: Independent but together

One thing bonded them and it binds us too

The thread of Unconditional Love from Him

He who guides each of us in His own way

What will be, will be


  1. One continues the lineage of a progenitor to progress as what the ancestors had hoped for! Providence will be on one's side to guide the directions. Good one Arathi!


  2. Accepting the past that we have been bequeathed, whether we like it or not, is part of the wisdom we acquire as we mature I think. It is even better when the different generations are linked by a common faith.

  3. Very simple and very nice.

  4. Hi arathi nice to see and indian blogger here in Pub...... Lovely poem so true its hard to accept but you have to

  5. So true that we have to accept the past for what it has been & move on into the future. And I like the idea of the unconditional love which connects all.

  6. Progenitor! You have beautifully brought out its richness. Nice

  7. across generations is def binding...and each may look a bit different but flow from similar hearts.....i grew up in rather small conservative church, pastored a liberal mega church, and now am an elder at a small liberal church...ha

  8. I like that song actually, smiles ~ We are here because of our ancestors,but what will be, will be ~

  9. "Like fingers in the same hand: Independent but together"--beautifully striking image! I love how you enlarge this to the history--and future--of all of us.

  10. a very well thought out poem Arathi..acceptance is our only true and the idea of that unconditional love binding us all is wonderful...

  11. I envy the clarity of your view of the past, & your view of the present; faith can do that for some folks; too many of us, myself included, spent too much time questioning faith to find succor within it.

  12. So much truth and wisdom in this poem. I admire your strong faith - faith gets us through this life.

  13. That acceptance and trust would make life so simple.. I love the song (especially sung by Edith Piaf) ... but I find it hard to rely upon...

  14. A lovely poem, and a lovely inspiration.

  15. smiles... i remember that song... humming along... it's good to take things as they are when we cannot change them anyway

  16. some choose... and their children are profoundly impacted.

  17. All part of the whole, and the circle of life continues. This is a lovely capture of that, indeed.

  18. Meaningful verses...very well composed
