Saturday, 6 September 2014

It's About Books

Today in Indi Blogger's Indispire we have to make a list of 10 favorite books. Here are mine and I hope they will inspire everyone.

Books are man's best a famous saying..coming from a family of  writers...well all i can say books , books  every where..My father-in-law who is an avid reader and a writer himself has published many books..all of them my favorites.
1. The top pick is my father- in-law H.G. Somasekhara Rao's  auto biography in the local Kannada language  Somannana Stock Ninda..translates to "from the stock of Somanna". Here he takes the reader through a journey of his life...stopping now and then to savor the moments..and the saga of his life ..... leaving the readers relate to him.

2. The second  book which inspired me in my personal growth is The Power Of Now by Echkart Tolle.
Here the author leads you gently into a state where you can be free of thoughts.

3. The third book is by the cancer survivor Mark Nepo - The Book Of Awakening. Here you get inspiration for the whole year through his tips of How to Live.

4. The fourth book is by the Author David GodMan on Sri Ramana Maharshi "Be As You Are". This is a collection of Ramana Maharshi's conversation with the seekers who came to him.

5. The fifth book is by Paul Brunton "A Search In Secret India". This is the journey of the author in India during pre - independence days. He finally gets motivated by Sri Ramana Maharshi.

6. The sixth book is from J.Krishnamurty "Freedom From the Unknown." Here JK talks about how to free ourselves radically.

7. The seventh book is a compilation of talks on Advaita Philosophy by NisargaDutta Maharaj. Here the book is in a Q and A format. One can find a lot of insights from these conversations.

8. The eighth book is by Swami Nikhilananda on Swami Vivekananda- A biography. Here the author has explained the journey of Swami Vivekananda's amazing life.

9. The  ninth book is by Stephen Mitchell called Toa Ching. It is an english version of the great Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu. This is the collection of Lao- Tzu's poems and a simple explanation of them.

10. The last but definitely not the last in my list is The Language Of Zen by Richard Burnett Carter. Here the author tries to explain the zen words and how one can try to understand them.

All I have to say is all these books have and continues to help me in my spiritual quest. I may not become an enlightened person but i am definitely one who lives life as is. The essence is to apply all the knowledge you get in these books to the daily life and for sure one can see a miracle happening!!
I hope this list will help many who like me would want to connect to the inner self. Happy reading every one.


  1. Wow...totally only one...will dig into other...thank you

  2. Hello mam,

    I am searching for Somannana Stock Ninda book written by Somanna sir but unfortunately I am not getting the book anywhere. I have read this book once long back but I want read it once again. It's really a well crafted auto-biography. Is it possible to send me a copy this book?

    Thank you
