Friday, 12 September 2014

flirting with waves

image: google

walking along the shore line

the waves flirt with my feet

the froth licking my toes

i try to catch them in my hand

they leave behind their laughter

knowing they can never see me

merging into the sand 

going back to earth

i am stunned by the simplicity

amazed at mother nature's wisdom

i salute to her and continue to walk

now i try to flirt with the waves


  1. I love the flirtation with the waves!!!

  2. Nice to flirt with waves the way with flirt with life. Very nice poem.

  3. sometimes in life, the flirtations are the most joyous fun

  4. Ha, love the idea of flirting with the waves! They are elusive though, aren't they? (Just like some people. Smiles.)

  5. I enjoyed the light tone suggested by the flirting between the sea and yourself!

  6. You have a lightness in this poem that goes well with the message. Some lovely images--trying to catch the waves in your hand. It is impossible to catch a wave--even in body surfing it is the wave that catches you. Thanks for posting this.

  7. I love the idea of flirting with the waves!

  8. Yes..i think we all need to flirt with the waves..i think you did in fact...with your words and soul!

  9. oh nice... flirting with the waves - such an intimacy in a walk along the beach...sigh... i wanna go there

  10. Beautiful images....lively....!!
