Wednesday, 7 January 2015

human first..

trying to achieve so many things

running the race against time

without hesitating to commit crime

we forget that we are human first

topic: to get inspired by the art work of Nick Gentry 


  1. Human first, I like the conclusion ~ We are not built like machines to race against the clock all the time ~

    Thanks for participating Arathi ~ Happy New Year !!

  2. I like the mantra of 'human first'
    if we remembered that or understood what it meant a bit more perhaps....

  3. human first... yes... we should never forget this... and the world would look different if we remembered more often

  4. I think sometimes we just get so caught up in the whole rat race/get stuff mentality that we forget our humanity. Well done!

  5. Sadly this is a very apt poem for today. How can one human being kill another one?

  6. Oh yes.. but it only take a few that don't think we are human first... a good reminder of how it should be.

  7. we certainly do.. especially "celebrities," I hate how people act like they're not human... actually putting "celebrity" above themselves

  8. Yes, we do have to remember that we are 'human first.' We can only do what we can do!

  9. So many.. so many things in life.. and for some never even living life.. or even understanding life comes from within.. and not an electronic art alone..:)

  10. Nicely penned poem to support the picture. Well done!

  11. it is very easy to forget that ~
